Saturday, August 31, 2019

The American Health Information Management Association

The American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) is an association of Health Information Management professionals whose mission is to be â€Å"the professional community that improves healthcare by advancing best practices and standards for health information management and the trusted sourced for education, research and professional credentialing† ( association provides its members educational training and certifications to better equip them for their roles as Health Information Management (HIM) professionals who occupy a number of roles from implementing electronic health records, clinical coding systems, and improving the quality of information (, professionals would find membership in this association an investment because it provides their members opportunities for continuing education keeping them at par with the late st developments of the health information management industry.The association also trains their members to endow upon them the skills crucial in the members’ development such as leadership and professional synergy ( MemberEmployerFlyer.pdf).The information on this website, especially the opportunities for continuing education would greatly help me in my career as a health information manager.The knowledge I would be able to gain from the training and resource materials accessible only to members would make me a formidable candidate when I apply in a corporation.   Also, the certifications that I complete through them would open other career opportunities for me which would not have otherwise been available.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Acountability of a weapon

This is a paper written on the importance of keeping eyes on your weapon, written by Private John Jacob smith on the twenty third of September year two thousand fourteen. When you are in possession of a weapon for training purposes, or otherwise, for example; m 4, m 4 320 combo, m 249 saw, m 240 b, or 240 c, It is important to always maintain physical or visual contact with the weapon at all times. Also you should never be more than your own arm's length in distance from your weapon at any time.In the event that you should need to use the toilet, you should mind a responsible battle buddy that you know you can trust and request for them to look over the weapon while you are using the toilet. In the event you can not find a battle buddy that is both responsible and trustworthy to watch over your weapon while you are using the toilet, you will have to bring the weapon with you in to the restroom and insure that you wash your hands before using the weapon again.When on a firing range, i f for any reason you must leave your weapon with a persons who was placed with the responsibility of looking over your or a group of people's paeans by a higher authority, first insure your weapon is placed in the safe position an also make sure that the weapon Is cleared before leaving the weapon in the care of this person. There are many ways to Insure that your weapon Is both secure and safe. Whichever method you chose to keep your weapon safe and secure Is up to you.If you fail to keep your weapon safe and secure It could result In punishment by your superior NCO or specialist. Leaving your weapon unsecured could also result In life threatening consequences. Those consequences could be perhaps a deranged older getting their hands on your weapon and using the weapon to do harm on your fellow soldiers or even civilians. This would make you solely responsible for any deaths or Injuries that the deranged soldier caused. Leaving you weapon unattended could also result In the loose of the weapon.In which case you would have to replace the weapon at full cost from your personal Income. This could leave you with short founds and could result In further loss of your own personal goods. Not only could losing your weapon effect you financially but It could also affect your chances of getting promoted In the future. The loss of your weapon could also affect your battle buddies, causing them to stay latter looking for your weapon Instead of going home to their family and loved ones.Affecting your battle puddles personal time with their families could possibly damage you relationship with your team members and In the end could brand you as a salt bag amongst your peers. In conclusion If you are not responsible with your weapon, all kinds of bad salt could happen. Accountability of a weapon By Amsterdam an also make sure that the weapon is cleared before leaving the weapon in the care of this person. There are many ways to insure that your weapon is both secure and safe. Whichever method you chose to keep your weapon safe and secure is up to you. If you fail to keep your weapon safe and secure it could result in punishment by your superior NCO or specialist. Leaving your weapon unsecured could also result in life deaths or injuries that the deranged soldier caused. Leaving you weapon unattended could also result in the loose of the weapon. In which case you would have to replace the weapon at full cost from your personal income. This could leave you with short founds and could result in further loss of your own personal goods.Not only could losing your weapon effect you financially but it could also affect your chances of getting promoted in the future. The loss of your weapon could also affect your battle buddies, causing them to stay latter looking for your weapon instead of going home to their family and loved ones. Affecting your battle buddies personal time with their families could possibly damage you relationship with your team members and in the end could brand you as a sit bag amongst your peers. In conclusion if you are not responsible with your weapon, all kinds of bad sit could happen.

Lwc1 Flashdb

What is the definition of a contract? An agreement between two or more parties for the doing or not doing of something specified. Describe the various types of contracts. 1) Bilateral and Unilateral 2) Express and Implied 3) Executory and Executed What elements does a contract need to be enforceable? 1) Agreement 2) Legality 3) Consideration 4) Capacity What elements would constitute a discharge of a contract? 1) Material breach 2) Minor breach 3) Anticipatory breach 4) Mutual Rescission 5) Accord/Satisfaction What is a bilateral contract? Both parties make a promise. What is a unilateral contract?One party make a promise that the other party can accept only by doing something. ex. I'll give you $10 to mow my lawn. If not mowed no $10. What is an express contract? Two parties state all important terms of their agreement. ex. Where, when, how much, oral or written. What is an implied contract? Words and conduct of the parties indicate that they intended an agreement. What is an execut ory contract? When one or more parties have not fulfilled its obligations. What is an executed contract? When all parties have fulfilled their obligations? If there is a breech of contact, what remedies are available?Injuction – An order forcing someone to do something or refrain from doing something. Expectation Damages / Restitution – $ required to put on party in the position she would have been had the other side performed the contract. Specific Performance – In cases of rare property court ordered to complete the deal. Reformation – Court will rewrite contract. Describe types of acceptable performace of a contract. Strict Performance Substantial Performance What are the Sherman and Clayton Antitrust Acts? Sherman Act of 1890 – first national law to regulate competition.Clayton Act of 1914 clarified the Sherman Act. What are the key provisions of the Sherman and Clayton Antitrust Acts? *Prohibits all agreements that will â€Å"restrain tradeâ €  (Sherman) *Bans â€Å"monopolies† (Sherman) *Prohibits anticompetitive mergers (Clayton) *Tying arrangements (Clayton) *Exclusive dealings (Clayton) *Bans price discrimination – illegal to charge different prices to different purchasers. (Robinson-Pattman Act 1936 an amendment to Clayton -) Describe the variety of aggressive business actions that are illegal and violations of antitrust regulations.Monopolization -possessing a monopoly is not illegal; using bad acts to acquire or maintain one is. Predatory Pricing – lowering prices below cost to drive competitors out. Tying Arrangements – selling products on the condition the buyer purchases a different (or tied) product. Contolling distributors or retailers (Retail price maintenance) How is consumer credit regulated? Through the Truth in Lending Act What government regulations apply to consumer product safety? *Federal food, drug, cosmetic act *Food quality protection act What is the role of the Env ironmental Protection Agency?Monitor and protect the air, water and land polution. . . What requirements were specified by the Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914? Unfair or deceptive acts or practices. What is the point at which a legal agreement is said to have occured? intend to contract List the types of breech of contracts. Material Breach Minor Breach Anticipatory Breach Mutual Rescission Accord/Satisfaction What is an express warranty? Seller creates with words or actions that goods meet certain standards. Created three ways: Affirmation of a fact or promise, Description of the goods, or sample or model. What is an implied warranty?Created by UCC code itself, not by an act or statement of the seller. What is a disclaimer? A statement that a particular warranty does not apply. What are the limitations on remedies for breach of warranty and product liability? Limitation of Remedy Clause – Parties may limit or exclude normal remedies permitted. What is negligence? Seller 's conduct unreasonable. Violation of a standard of care set by statute. How does negligence apply to a manufacturer? Negligent Design Negligent Manufacturing Failure to Warn What are the types of warranties? Implied, Express, Implied Warranty of Fitness, Warranty of Merchantiability.What is strict liability? A tort doctrine holding to a very high standard all those who engage in ultrahazardous activities. (ie explosives) OR who manufacture certain products. What are the defenses available to an action for negligence? Contributory Negligence – If the plantiff is even slightly negligent she recovers nothing. Comparative Negligence – Plantiff may generally recover even if she was partially responsible. What are the defenses available or an action for strict liability? None – a defendant engaging in an ultrahazardous activity is virtually always liable for any harm that results.List the remedies available. Compensatory Damages – flow directly from contract. Consequential Damages – result from the unique circumstances of the particular injured party. (Recoverable only if breaching party should have foreseen them). Incidental Damages – Minor costs an injured party incurs responding to a breach. What are the basic provisions of the Sarbanes – Oxley Act? *Created a public company accounting oversight board *Revising auditor independence rules *Revising corporate governance standards *Increasing criminal penalties for violations What are the rights of the shareholders? Right to information – including minute book, accounting records, and shareholder lists. *Right to vote *Right to Dissent *Right to protection from other shareholders. What recourse do sharholders have against corporations if shareholder rights are violated? Derivative Lawsuits – Shareholders sue corporation, but damages go to corporation. *Direct lawsuits *Class Action What are the key provisions of the Securities Act of 1933? Before offeri ng or selling securities, the issuer must register the securities with the SEC, unless the securities qualify for an exemption. What are the disclosure requirements of the Securities Act of 1933?Initial detailed information statement when the company first registers. How did Sarbanes – Oxley change the disclosure requirements of the Securities Act of 1933? Added to the 1934 Securities Act by requiring CEO and CFO to certify that: *The information in the quarterly and annual reports are true. *The company has effective internal controls. *The officers have informed the company's audit committee and it auditors of any concerns that they have about the internal control system. What year did the Sarbanes – Oxley Act pass? 2002 How would you define business ethics? The study of how people ought to act.What is involved in developing an ethical culture in an organization? Managers setting the example and training. What year was the Clean Air Act passed? 1963 What year was the Clean Water Act passed? 1977 What are the alternative dispute resolution techniques? *Arbitration – 3rd neutral party hears both sides and makes a binding decision, possible award, no discovery, no class action, no pulic info of outcome. *Mediation – Neutral party coaxed two disputing parties toward volunatry settlement. No decision made by mediator. *Negotiation – List the types of courts. State Courts = Trial CourtsFederal Courts = Trial Courts and Specialty courts (bankruptcy, tax, etc) Appelate Courts = Describe the National Labor Relations Act of 1935. Also known as Wagner Act. 1) Created NLR Board to enforce labor laws. 2) Prohibits employers from penalizing workers who engage in union activity. 3) Requires employers to bargain â€Å"in good faith† with unions. Descirbe what COBRA is, and when was it passed? Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act passed in 1985. Statute provides that former employees be allowed to continue health insurance for 18 months after leaving their job.Describe what the Fair Labor Standards Act is and when it passed? Regulates wages and limits child labor. Passed in 1938. 1. 5 time paid for overtime. Children under 14 may only work in agricultural and entertainment. 14-15 limited hours after school. 16-17 unlimited hours in non-hazardous. Descirbe what constitutes wrongful discharge under the law. Wrongful discharge prohibits an employer from firing a worker for a bad reason. They fall into three categories. 1) public policy – prohibits employer from firing someone for a reason that violates basic social rights, duties, and responsibilities. ) contract law-written or oral promises made during the hiring process can be enforceable. Employee handbook creates a contract. 3) tort law – defamation; giving a false or unfavorable reference about a former employee, or â€Å"Intentional Infliction of Emotion Distress – employers who condone cruel treatment of their employees face liability under tort of intentional infliction of emotional distress. Explain the responsibilities of OSHA. Holds employers to a workplace â€Å"free from recognized hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or serious injury to employees.Inspects workplaces to insure that they are safe. Describe the main points of the Americans with Disabilites Act of 1990. The ADA prohibits employers from discriminating on the basis of disability as long as she can, with reasonable accomodation, perform the essential functions of the job. An accomodation is not reasonable if it would create undue hardship on the employer. What is liquidated damages clause? A provision in the contract that declares in advance what one party will receive if the other side breaches. What is necessary to prove negligence? Duty of Due Care Breach (defendant breached duty)Factual Cause Forseeable Harm Injury What does the Family and Medical Leave Act guarantee? Both men and women up to 12 weeks unpaid leave eac h year for childbirth, adoption, or medical emergencies for themselves or a family member. When was Social Security instituted and what does it do? Passed during the Great Depression in 1935. Benefits to workers who are retired, disabled, or temporarilly unemployed and to spouses and children of disabled or deceased workers. What is the FUTA? Federal Unemployment Tax Act and is part of the Social Security system. What is the Equal Pay Act and when was it instituted?An employee may not be paid at a lesser rate than an employee of the opposite sex for equal work. Passed in 1963. What is Title VII and what does it prohibit? Passed in 1964. It prohibits employers from discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. More specifically, 1) discrimination in the workplace 2) sexual harassment 3) discrimination because of pregnancy. What does sexual harassment entail? unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature with two major categories. 1) Quid pro quo (this for that) 2) Hostile work environmentWhat is the EEOC? Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is a federal agency to oversee Title VII cases. They may sue or issue a â€Å"Right to Sue† letter. They also oversee age discrimination cases. What are the remedies to Title VII violations? Hiring, reinstatement, retroactive seniority, back pay, reasonable attorney's fees and damages up to $300,000. What does the Age Discrimination Act prohibit? When was it passed? Prohibits ago discrimination against employees or job applicants who are 40 years or older. Cannot fire, refuse to hire, fail to promote or force to employee to retire. Passed in 1967.What is the Norris-LaGuardia Act? declared that federal courts could not issue an injuction for non-violent labor disputes. What rights does Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) guarantee? the right to organize and join unions, bargain collectively through rep resentatives of their own choosing, and egage in other concerted efforts. What does Section 8 of the NLRA guarantee against? Unfair Labor Practices – the employer cannot: *interfere with union organizing efforts. *dominate or interfere with any union. *discriminate against any union member. *refuse to bargain collectively with any union.What are the two main functions of the NLRA Board appointed by the President? *Representation – the board decided whether a particular union is entitled to represent a group of employees. *Unfair Labor Practices – adjudicates claim by either the employer or workers the the other side has committed a ULP. What is the Taft-Hartley Act? Also called the Labor Management Relations Act. A statue that ammended section 8 of the NLRA to outlaw certain ULP by unions. *interfer with employees who are exercising their right under 7. * to encourage an employer to discriminate against a particular employee because of a union dispute. refuse to bargain collectively. * to engage in an illegal strike or boycott, especially secondary boycotts. (secondary boycott is picketting innocent companies to coherce them to stop doing business with an employer) What is the Landrum-Griffin Act? Also called the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA) requires union leadership to make certain financial disclosures and guarantees free speech and fair elections within a union. What does Section 9 of the NLRA offer? Exclusivity – a valid recognized union is the EXCLUSIVE representative of the employees. What steps are needed to organize a union?Campaign – rally employees to form a union. Authorization Cards – signed card by employee giving union exclusity. Recognition – union asks employer to recognize it as the bargaining unit. Petition – union petitions NLRB for an election if 30% of workers are unified. Election – NLRB supervises election. What is a CBA? Collective Bargaining Agreeme nt. What is UPA Uniform Partnership Act passed 1914. At what point is a partnership formed? The association of two or more person to carry on as co-owners a business for profit forms a partnership, whether or not the persons intend to form a partnership.What factors create â€Å"co-owners of a business for profit†? *Must share profits *Share in management of business *(optional) Share in losses *(optional) referring to yourselves as partners *Charitable business are not partnerships When does Partnership by Estoppel apply? *they allow others to call them partners * a third party relies on assertion * a third party suffers harm What agency does a â€Å"partner† in a partnership hold? *Actual authority – authorized acts * Implied authority – act resonably necessary *Apparent authority – unauthorized acts Which partner is responsible for paying the debt of the partnership?ALL – all partners are PERSONALLY liable for all debts of the partnership . (Yes, that means the house is at risk. ) What is the liability of an incoming partner? A partner is personally liable only for obligations the partnership incurred while he was a partner. His liability for debts incurred before he became a partner is limited to his investment in the partnership. What are the two categories antitrust is divided into? per se – violations are automatic (no on was hurt is not a defense criminal and civil damages) rule of reason – only if anticompetitive impactName the three types of potentially illegal cooperative business strategies. Horizontal Agreements among competitors. (Levis and Wranglers) Vertical Agreements between participates of different stages of production (Levis and Macys) Mergers and Joint Ventures among competitors. What is market division? An effort by a group of competitors to divide it market is a per se violation of the Sherman Act. What is the FTC? Federal Trade Commission created in 1915. What options does the FTC have to enforce the law? Voluntary Compliance Administrative Hearing and Appeals PenaltiesWhat sales practices does the FTC oversee? Bait & Switch Mail/Phone Order Merchandise Telemarketing Unordered Merchandise Door to Door Sales Consumer Credit What is the â€Å"Truth in Lending Act†? Requires lenders to disclose the terms of the loan in an understandable and complete manner. Truth in Lending Act (TILA) applies only if . . . *It is a consumer loan *The loan has a finance charge or will be paid in more than four installments. *The loan is for less than $25,000, or to secure a mortgage on real estate *The loan is made by someone in the business of offering credit What is the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act?The act requires any supplier that offers a written warranty on a consumer product that cost more than $15 to disclose the terms of the warranty in simple, understandable language before the sale. What does the Consumer Product Safety Act of 1972 protect? Created to prevent inju ries from consumer products. Instituted the Consumer Product Safety Commission to evaluate consumer products and develop safety standards. The FTC deems a practice unfair if it meets three tests. What are these tests? 1) It causes substantial consumer injury. 2) The harm of the injury outweights any countervailing benefit. ) The consumer could not reasonably avoid the injury. What is the EPA? What is the EPA's primary function? Evironmental Protection Agency. Created in 1970. When Congress passes a new environmental law, the EPA issues regulations to implement it. What is the Clean Air Act? When was it passed? The Clean Air Act of 1970 has four provisions: 1) Primary Standards (National Ambient Air Quality Standards, NAAQS) – pollution that harms public health. 2) Secondary Standards – pollution that may not threaten health BUT has unpleasant effects, low visibility, harmful to plants or other materials. ) State Implimentation Plans (SIPs) States offered plans for brin ging areas into compliance within a reasonable amount of time. 4) Citizen Suits – citizens can file against a polluter or the EPA for failing to enforce statute. What is the Clean Water Act? When was it passed? Passed in 1972 with two goals: 1) to make all navigable water suitable for swimming and fishing by 1983 2) to eliminate the discharge of pollutants into navigable waters by 1985. What does the Safe Drinking Water Act require? When was it passed? Passed 1974. Requires: 1) EPA to set national standards ) enforcement left to states with provisions for EPA to enforce if needed. 3) Prohibits use of lead in any water pipes. 4) Requires community water systems to send annual water report to every customer. What two statutes regulate waste? The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) – regulates the production and disposal of solid waste. The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA or Superfund) – focuses on cleaning up existing hazardous waste sites. What does EPA oversee? Air Water Waste Chemicals – shared with other agencies (FDA, OSHA, and NRC)Natural Resources What act was passed to regulate the air? Clean Air Act What acts were passed to regulate water? *Clean Water Act *Safe Drinking Water Act *Ocean Dumping Act *Oil Pollution Act What acts were passed to regulate chemicals? *Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act *Federal Food, Drug, Cosmetic Act *Food Quality Protection Act *Toxic Substances Control Act What acts were passed to regulate natural resources? *National Environmental Policy Act *Endangered Species Act What are common types of antitrust violations? Cooperative Strategies Aggressive Strategies Define ethics. The study and philosophy of human conduct, with an emphasis on determining right and wrong. *Moral philosophy *The principles, values, and standards that guide behavior in the world of business. What are the changes made to the 1933 Securities Act in 1934 ? *still must file initial info statement (like 1933) *Annual reports with audited financials, analysis of company's performance, info about officers and directors. *Unaudited quarterly reports *Report any significant developments, bankruptcy, change in control, purchase or sale of significant assets, resignation of a director as a result of policy dispute, change in auditing firms.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Final Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Final Project - Research Paper Example For example, it would be necessary to know why one needs to put up the department, what has changed in order for the company to decide to set up the department, the functions the company wishes the department to do, and how the department will contribute to the success of the company (Mathis & Jackson, 2011). In the case of Wabash Box Company, I would first consider hiring employees with prior experience in the manufacturing field. This is vital because it would reduce cost of training required to train inexperienced employees. I would also consider analysing categories of jobs required by the company in order to evenly distribute the 150 employees. To set up human resource department, I would also be required to set up a recruitment and selection team that will be mandated to hire new employees. Selection criteria will of course be determined by the working environment in Franklin, and this should go in line with the culture of Tennessee. Since the company needs to develop and offer distinct or quality corrugated containers, I would also strategically consider designing a career development plan, which will among other functions include training of the employees in order to develop and advance their skills. This should also go hand in hand with a strategy to maintain human resource. Question two: most appealing function of HR My most appealing HR management is employees motivating. Obtaining employees is one thing, and retaining them is a different thing all together. Retention of employees, however, requires a combination of multiple concepts. One and most obvious is as the function states â€Å"motivating†. There are various incentives and strategies of motivating employees. These need to be taken seriously as they may lead to employees leaving for another motivating organization or company, thus lose of credible asset to the company, which translates to loss of business (Mathis & Jackson, 2011). The articles I selected involves employees motivating. The argument in articles is about how to address the issue of employees when they tell their bosses that they are leaving the organization. A number of issues are raised in this argument, but, which all revolve around the issue of employees motivating. The problem arising is that these news may be surprising to the boss since it means losing that the employee would lead to lose of business. To some extent, the problem could be related to the boss refusal to motivate his or her employees, and probably the reason could be the organization could not be in a position to do so. The key point is that addressing employee’s salary should involve ensuring that they are market worth. The issue of employees motivating can be applied in academic and also professional career by a way of putting measures of employee’s retention into practice. Research on employees motivating can be of great importance to students, since this would help them dig deep in order to have an in-depth unde rstanding of the phenomena. Question three: 100 Best Companies to Work For Companies that I would like to work for: i. Google, The Boston Consulting Group, and SAS Institute a. Google’s mission is â€Å"to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful† (Google Company, 2012, 1). Google has a vast of jobs to offer ranging from sales and account management, product and customer service, administrative and many more. According to what Google displays on its career

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Essay 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

2 - Essay Example Initially I did not take them seriously but eventually this became a daily affair. One day I was even humiliated in front of many patients and was occasionally made the laughing stock. I chose to stay mum on the subject and never reported it to my parents or friends. The abusing in the hospitals grew up day by day and one fine day I was seriously abused in front of one of my junior colleagues. Unable to gulp down the humiliation, I decided to report the instance to the HR manager but he said he was more interested in other important issues and advised me to handle these petty issues on my own. I was totally depressed and started having sleepless nights; I was so annoyed that I sometimes became rude to the patients. Due to this I used to have high blood pressure and as a result I took leave from work quite frequently. I also took leaves with pay cuts just for the reason that I did not want to face those group of bullying nurses. The things started taking a turn for the worse as my mentor came to know about my complaint to the HR manager. As revenge the entire group made up a falsified case against me for which I had no fault. I was reprimanded before the entire staff and humiliated badly. This was the last straw to break the camel’s back and I decided to resign from the job. This decision was extremely painful for me as it meant destroying a dream which I had nurtured as a child. My extent of frustration was so much that I decided to leave this profession forever and joined a lower paid job as a clerk in another organisation. Workplace bullying is often described in the nursing literature as a phenomenon which attracts considerable attention all over the world. Workplace relations have shown profound effects towards the physical health, mental health and the general well being of the employees. It has also been found that nurses who have been exposed to

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Reflection Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Reflection - Assignment Example Also, this will enable me to implement the decisions I have taken with boldness. I would like to be a humble leader because I will be able to respect the ideas of other people in my place of work. In addition, I would like to be a just leader because this will enable me to consider the welfare of others and treat them fairly and without favor. Morality will guide me in discerning what is acceptable in the society and help me to do what the society considers as upright. Being compassionate will help me to treat others with dignity. Finally, as a leader I would like to be wise so that I can be able to make decisions that worthwhile (Chapter 3). A leader can acquire morality by learning from the environment they are brought up in such as schools, family, friends, states and religion. They can learn by emulating others or by experiencing the challenges they face in life (Chapter 3). In conclusion, a leader should possess certain traits that will guide them to relate well with others and remain moral in the society. Good qualities are acquired through personal experience or by learning from

Monday, August 26, 2019

Information Systems Master Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Information Systems Master - Essay Example Across all brands the bank operates some 1800 sites in the UK. The area considered for analysis is the human resource management of HSBC Bank plc. The various procedures and facilities of the human resource management at the HSBC is discussed. Then an analysis is carried out on various subdivisions like Recruitment, Training etc and evaluation is done by framing models. Once the application form has been received, a credit check will be undertaken. This check will include CCJs, bankruptcy and delinquent debts registered (e.g. defaulted on payments to a loan which has not yet been paid in full.) Full details on this are contained within the application form. This is the next stage and is undertaken online. Typically instructions will be received on how to complete this questionnaire within 5 days from your initial submission of the application. The Experienced Commercial Relationship Manager applicants will also receive instructions on how to complete verbal and numeric reasoning tests, which are part of the assessment process for this role. A 30 to 40 minute telephone interview based on key skills for the role applied will be conducted. This is a competency based interview and applicant will need to talk through situations for the displayed particular skills. The final stage conducted by the recruiting manager, ... 1) Initial suitability A series of questions will be asked (such as your eligibility to work in the UK). 2) Online application form Complete the application form as prescribed with appropriate information. 3) Credit Check Once the application form has been received, a credit check will be undertaken. This check will include CCJs, bankruptcy and delinquent debts registered (e.g. defaulted on payments to a loan which has not yet been paid in full.) Full details on this are contained within the application form. 4) Profiling questionnaire This is the next stage and is undertaken online. Typically instructions will be received on how to complete this questionnaire within 5 days from your initial submission of the application. The Experienced Commercial Relationship Manager applicants will also receive instructions on how to complete verbal and numeric reasoning tests, which are part of the assessment process for this role. 5) Telephone interview A 30 to 40 minute telephone interview based on key skills for the role applied will be conducted. This is a competency based interview and applicant will need to talk through situations for the displayed particular skills. The key skills for each Customer Sales roles are: sales, customer service, teamwork, work standards and communication. For the Management roles the key skills are: sales/retail management, relationship building, leadership/team management, customer service, drive, resilience and communication. 6) Face-to-face interview The final stage conducted by the recruiting manager, typically at the location for the role applied for. Again the interview will focus on applicant's skills and experiences and how they match with Bank's requirements.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Children's rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Children's rights - Essay Example Despite the fact that politics takes a central place in deciding which way children rights take in given nations, it has always reeled against the lack of consensus among stakeholders marginalising political science in discussions of children rights as Beetham (1995:1) observes. As Forsythe (1991: 174) postulates, a significant majority of political scientists do not contend the perception that children rights and human rights in general are critical aspects of international relations. According to Lukes (1993:20), there are very peculiar trends that register in children rights assessments; among them is the prevalent characteristic where virtually nobody rejects the promotion of the idea of preservation of children rights yet reports of abuses of children are wrought in news agencies. One aspect worth noticing is the inverse relationship between the high political will to promote human rights and the waning philosophical commitment. Primarily, philosophy has been conspicuously scept ical about the idea of human rights with its undesirable ontological status of human rights and more specifically children rights. Conservatives that constituted the French aristocracy, as Burke (1964:25) observes, contended that astute human rights and thus children rights could only prosper on a platform of distinctive state cultural frameworks enshrined in the nation’s legal framework which form the basis for their formation and as such their appropriateness. The United Nations Children’s Fund with its endeavour entrenched in the Convention on the rights of the child is the pioneer penal code that spells the broad diversity of the rights that individuals are entitled to throughout the world. These rights vary from person to person and constitute civil, economic as well as social together with political and cultural ones. The differing needs that characterise adult needs when compared to children’s were the motivation

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The power of optimism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The power of optimism - Essay Example One also realized that through personal experiences, as well as the experiences relayed by other people, there are valid supports to the contention that the power of optimism is real as it could open more opportunities that could lead to success. First and foremost, one affirms that I am an optimist, by nature. However, I am also a realist. In facing different situations, I assume a positive stance that everything would come out right. If they don’t, I believe that the challenges are made to be encountered to learn something new and good from them – thus, still making us better in the end. I have proven the power of optimism through the experience of my aunt. After a decade of productive career as a bank manager, she lost her job at the midst of a great financial strain since her husband had been diagnosed with diabetes and chronic kidney failure and they have six children to support. Fortunately, she was also an optimist. Rather than being depressed, anxious, and troubled, she sought to find other employment opportunities that would enable her to work at home and attend to both her husband’s and children’s needs. She acknowledged that since more opportunities are being made available through the online medium, she could use her skills in becoming a freelance writer. She eventually found a job as a freelance writer; doubled and even tripled her earnings, and was able to do everything without having to leave the comforts of their home. As such, the loss of one job was viewed, not as an end of a career; but as a blessing in disguise. Through the power of optimism, she did not lose hope in finding a more productive employment which enabled her to address their financial needs, the health requirements of her husband, and the educational support for their six children. Clearly, the power of optimism brings forth new

Friday, August 23, 2019

African Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

African Politics - Essay Example Its aims were to create separate institutions, and to some extent separate homelands, for the black people who existed in white-dominated settlements in ancient America. Black separatists’ arguments were that the white people oppressed the blacks, and that it was impossible for the blacks to advance in any way when living in a white-dominated societies. The proponents of this movement pushed for segregation of black institutions such as business schools so that the blacks themselves would direct them (Selverstone 160). Concisely, the main objectives of this movement were to separate the black societies from the white to achieve means of making them independent and self-sufficient to survive in an environment that was hostile. One of the dominant black elites of this movement includes Marcus Garvey’s Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), and the Nation of Islam. Marcus Garvey, unlike other activists, did not advocate for segregation within white territories, rather, Garvey’s UNIA elite called on the black society to move from America and return to their â€Å"homeland† in Africa, Liberia to be specific (Lawler & Davenport 80-82). The second elite, Nation of Islam, was founded by Wallace D. Fard Muhammad, and called for the establishment of new independent states for blacks only in the white territories. In addition, it provided economic, social, mental, and spiritual support for African Americans. According to its sympathizers, the black community would only foster if it had its own states with black schools, police, politicians, and businesses. This is an umbrella movement that housed other smaller social movements that aimed at ending discrimination, segregation by race, and enforces the voting rights of blacks living in the United States. This movement employed mostly campaigns of civil resistance, implementing civil disobedience and non-violent protests as tactics to create crises that would make the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Reflection - Essay Example Furthermore, I recognize that while text represents one form of literacy, literacy may also represent visual elements; in these regards, being literate in terms of the media or film is also possible. With the advent of the internet and the recent explosion of social networking platforms, it’s clear that literacy represents far more than mere literature or textual storytelling. Today it’s necessary for students to grasp literacy in terms of the complex array of contemporary modes of expression. I believe that multiliteracies will be about exploring the different forms of literacy that predominant the contemporary world. In these regards, I believe it will go beyond simply exploring textual literacy, but also consider the nature of media literacy. In these regards, literacy will come to encompass a much broader or – multiple – understanding. In the contemporary world literacy encapsulates a much broader spectrum of understanding than in the past. For instance, computer games and card games have come to be examined for their educational value. While individuals generally consider literacy in terms of a text or visual based item, one must also consider that within deciphering these text/visual elements is the necessity of deeper cultural understanding. The week two readings, while most importantly considering the necessity of school and home partnership, also demonstrated the necessity of deeper cultural understanding to achieve higher literacy. Keeping with this relation of culture and literacy, week 3’s readings considered the nature of multiple-literacies not in terms of multiple mediums (textual, visual) but also in terms of multiple forms of cultural expression. The primary argument is that in the 21st century there has been a notable shift in the means of cultural expression away from predominantly text-based forms of expression. Furthermore, research has indicated

Environmental Science Essay Example for Free

Environmental Science Essay Although attempting to subdivide existing farm plots and redistribute them may be considered suitable for the purposes of remediating food insecurity and rural poverty, there exists a significant amount of controversy over such a practice due to the issues such redistribution entail. For example, the redistribution of land would require that the distributing entity pick and choose claims and rights to land at their discretion, and such claims can range from historic, ancestral or even from â€Å"ownership of the till. † Land reform has met much resistance from even the most impoverished numbers of developing countries, and it would be difficult to attempt redistribution without shaking up the foundations of property rights. Farming co-ops provide a distinct advantage for farmers. First of all, they provide them the opportunity to act as a group, giving them a collective bargaining power that they do not possess as individuals and allows them to act in unison in seizing market opportunities while being able to manage risks together. In effect, they can leverage their interests better when united as a co-op and it is this asset that has brought success to the likes of the Ocean Spray Cranberry growers and the farmers of Sunkist. (Gable, 2006; Hieu, 2008) Opening up new land is perhaps the most rapidly actionable means of increasing the food supply for a growing population, but this also poses a liability with regards to environmental impact. The problem with agriculture, especially the large-scale grain-based industrial monoculture which has been developed to feed most of the world, is that it is largely unsustainable and has a detrimental effect on soil fertility. In the first half of the 20th century, a large portion of the American Midwest was reduced to desert due to aggressive expansion of the wheat growing agriculture. (Manning, 2004) As such, what is needed is not the expansion of the present industrial agriculture, but the development of techniques and technologies to improve farming so that yields are better, but without compromising sustainability. Pursuing job opportunities in the city is not entirely perfect, but it is a desirable direction towards the development of compact communities and urban density. When combined with practices such as permaculture, which is the development of perennial agricultural systems that resemble the systems found in natural ecology (Holmgren, 2003), compact communities effectively curtail many of the environmentally adverse effects of sprawl and the wastefulness of imposing distance between food production, residential zoning and urban sectors. (Sightline Institute, n. d. ) Ultimately, what is needed to address the needs of a growing population in the developing world is not the application of population control measures, or a voluntary call to asceticism, but the institution of developmental policies that recognize the needs and wants of human society on terms that are just to developing nations and corrective to developed ones. Alex Steffen (2006) notes that it is wrong to think we can talk developing nations out of pursuing their dreams, and deny them of the material luxury that citizens of developed nations take for granted. Therefore, what is necessary is bright green developmental policy, founded upon the idea that economic luxury continue without rendering the planet an uninhabitable wasteland. This would require cradle-to-cradle designs, closed-loop industrial systems and self-sustaining infrastructure, much of which is already possible today. The future is already here, it’s just not well distributed. REFERENCES Gable, C. (2006, October). â€Å"Fields of Power; Farming Co-Ops the Future of Biodiesel,† Organic Producer. Retrieved October 9, 2008 from: http://www. organicproducermag. com/index. cfm? fuseaction=feature. displayfeature_id=43 Hieu, T. (2008, July 27) â€Å"Farming co-ops may be answer to rural poverty. † Vietnam Business News. Retrieved October 9, 2008 from: http://www. vnbusinessnews. com/2008/07/farming-co-ops-may-be-answer-to-rural. html Manning, R. (2004) Against the Grain: How Agriculture Hijacked Civilization. New York, New York: North Point Press. Holmgren, D. (2003) Permaculture: Principles Pathways Beyond Sustainability. Hepburn Springs, Victoria, Australia: Holmgren Design Services. Sightline Institute. (n. d. ) â€Å"Build Complete, Compact Communities. † Sightline Institute. Retrieved October 8, 2008 from: http://www. sightline. org/research/sust_toolkit/fundamentals/great_places Steffen, A. (Ed. ) (2006) Worldchanging: A User’s Guide for the 21st Century. New York: Abrams, Inc.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Electronic Surveillance Invasion Of Privacy Philosophy Essay

Electronic Surveillance Invasion Of Privacy Philosophy Essay Electronic surveillance has become part of our everyday life for quite some time by now. When we make a call to most service companies or organizations, we almost always hear the computer voice: Forreason, this phone call is monitored. When we go to work, turn on the computer, it says on the screen: your activity is monitored. Everywhere we look, we found surveillance cameras, on the street, in the mall, at school We found them in the United States as well as most of the other countries in the whole world. Over ABC news, one day I heard about the humming bird the US military was developing to help the troops in the field. It is remote controlled, looks and flies like a humming bird, with a camera on it. Ive never been too worried about the privacy issue until I see this little bird flying around. Its so small, it has the ability to go basically everywhere. If its used in the military, who can say its never going to be used by general public? If everybody can buy one, is it possible for somebody to buy one as a toy and fly it around the park? Or how about a kid flying it around the apartment building or the neighborhood? Will we need to get rid of all the windows of our houses to have some privacy? The news keep reporting a lot of cases in which the criminals were caught because of the use of electronic surveillance. Whenever this happens, most people might think its really a good thing. It is definitely good if video cameras only catch bad guys, but thats never going to be possible, it either catchs everything or nothing at all. Watching the crimes being committed on a video would sure brings definite evidences the same as hearing the criminals talk about their crimes on the phone. In court, electronic surveillance has been very successful. But as communications advance, the surveillance techniques has became more and more intrusive to privacy. One has to agree that electronic surveillance does play an important role in criminal investigation in this information era, but we also cant deny the fact that its very intrusive and its even becoming more and more intrusive because of the advancing technology. Ethical dilemma Now, weve reached a ethical dilemma here. First of all, electronic surveillance is helpful in law enforcement. Definitely no doubt at all. In fact, law enforcement agents requests lots and lots of information from all sorts of organizations, from wiretaps, surveillance cameras, to cell phone locations and e-mails. The most familiar one we all know is whenever there is car stolen, robbery broken in, or anything, surveillance cameras films are pulled out to the light to identify criminals. Some of the things we might not know as much: in 2006 alone, AOL received about one thousand request from the law enforcement on a monthly basis; in 2009, the website Face book received more than ten request daily; some cell phone companies even have websites, so the police can use the data from it freely. Overall, thousands of electronic surveillance are ordered every year by the law enforcement. Or we might even say, for solving almost every crime, there is some type of electronic surveillance used . On the other hand, privacy concern is getting more and more of an issue. When the very early type of surveillance was used, like wiretaps, they are only conducted on people who are suspected of some sort of crime, not on regular legitimately behaved citizens. But after surveillance cameras came into play, everything, everybody is monitored, legitimate or not, guilty or not, people are all watched all the time in work place, on the street or most public places. Luckily, we still have our privacy left in our own home if we want. But if later on, the little humming bird come into life, we might as well lose that, by then, there would be barely any privacy left if any at all. Then what shall we do as a society? Should we keep current surveillance, or even add lots more to make the world a safer place to live? Or should we get rid of all the surveillance, and all the advance technology and go back to what we had during the very early days? Or do we want to use the surveillance and at the same time protect privacy as much as possible? How do we approach that? Analyzing by the use of ethical theories Kant First of all, lets see what Kant would say about this situation. Kants Categorical Imperative (First Formula) says: to act only from the moral rules that you can at the same time will to be universal moral laws. We might put the moral rule this way: it is okay for the law enforcement to use electronic surveillance. Now, in order to evaluate this morale rule, we try to put it into a universal rule. Law enforcement can use electronic surveillance whenever they want. Since surveillance works very well, if the court accepts any evidence from electronic surveillance, and law enforcement is allowed to put surveillance over anybody at any place any time, we might find surveillance cameras everywhere, maybe even in our bedrooms or bathrooms. Thus, by then, people would have no expect about privacy anymore. Under such circumstances, people who want to conduct criminal activities wont be doing it under public light, or anywhere that electronic surveillance can reach, they might be doing it in underground tunnels or under the water, or they might invent some type of shield or clothes such that the cameras wont go through, or whatever way thats possible. Of course they wont be using phone calls, or e-mails or any other electronic communication methods. They might be using pigeons or bugs or whatever works to send messages. So, by then, all the surveillance we have wont be useful any more, thus the idea that surveillance will help fight crimes, catch criminals wont be true any more. So we conclude it would reach contradictory when we try to universal the rule. Then, Kants Second Formulation of Categorical Imperative points out it is wrong for one person to use another person. When the law enforcement use wiretap on a suspect, Kant would probably say its okay. But for the cases of surveillance cameras and other surveillance which targets all the people in general, the law enforcement are using the legitimate people trying to find out who the criminals are. Those people who are lawful citizens should not be treated as means to an end. So it is wrong for law enforcement to watch over everybody trying to find the bad guys. Act Utilitarian Act utilitarian uses the Principle of Utility to just moral issues, it believes an action is right if it increases the total happiness of all the affected parties, and an action is wrong if it decreases the total happiness of the affected parties. Lets say law enforcement is using surveillance cameras in neighborhood parks in order to detect possible criminal activities. Now, lets try to determine all the affected parties and the change of their happiness. First of all, the camera is there to watch over the park, so the police department dont need as many patrols out there, that would save them some money. Also, cameras are on twenty-four hours a day, and it shows absolute evidence, people can watch it, replay it, it most likely will even work better than if a patrol is there in person. The camera might help to keep the criminals away, make it a better neighborhood to live in, thus everybody in the neighborhood will benefit. On the other hand, people who lives around the park, maybe going there quite a few times a day, and dont feel like being watched all the time, so they might chose not to go to the park at all. Especially, people who live right by the park might worry the cameras could possibly see what theyre doing in thei r house, that might cause them great discomfort. They might even move away from the park to free themselves. In this case we need to decide which side weights more, if there is barely anybody living around the park, and there are a lot of criminal activities going on over there, utilitarianism might say its better to have some surveillance cameras there. But for the places where many people live around with very rarely any criminal activities happen, it might not be such a good idea to put surveillance cameras there. The only problems here is, most likely, where there are more people, there are more crimes happening. Rational people would agree not much crimes are happening deep in the forest. So the issue becomes, the places where surveillance cameras are most in need are places where there are more people, but at the same time, thats the place where we would appreciate not having the cameras. Rule Utilitarian Rule utilitarianism holds that we should use those moral rules which, if followed by everyone, will lead to the greatest increase in total happiness. Now lets look at the same universal moral rule as we used for Kant: Law enforcement can use electronic surveillance whenever they want. If law enforcement can use whatever surveillance they want and it holds up in court, they would not hesitate to use it, since that would make them break into the criminal cases way easier. Thus we might came upon such scenario: everybody is required to wear a cap with a camera on it, or a pair of earrings with tiny cameras on the bottom, so the law enforcement can watch over all our activities, thus nothing will go hidden, no criminal activities will go without being find out. Then we will be living in an absolute transparent world. How about if the technology advance so much, people might invent something that could tell if people are thinking evil, if such detection chip is planted in everyones head, then, surely, there wouldnt be any crimes happening at all. If there is no crimes on the world, all the legitimate citizens would definitely benefit. Also, if there is no crimes, we probably dont even need the entire justice branch of the country, or any attorneys, or weapons or such, thats going to be a great big save. If there is no crime, everybody will have lot less to worry about everyday, it should be way easier for people to stay happy. The first negative consequence of such an universal adoption of electronic surveillance is that its going to cost the taxpayers a lot of money to have all the cameras installed, all the special software or device designed and produced to put into use. Also, a lot of law enforcement personals would be needed to monitor all these many people in the country. Whats the ratio of law enforcement to citizen? One to five? Ten? Thats a question. The most harmful consequence of massive electronic surveillance would be the unhappiness caused to people by having very little privacy. Were born to love freedom, nobody love to be watched all the time. If people are not happy living in this country, theyll go somewhere else where freedom and privacy is valued more. Thus, US as a nation, will be downgraded, less and less people will want to come and work here, our own best elites will definitely seek opportunities elsewhere, the whole country and everyone inside would be worse off. In conclusion, the possible harm caused by adopting the universal moral rule seems to exceed the possible benefits. So the rule utilitarianism would probably say using electronic surveillance for law enforcement is wrong. Social Contract Theory Social contract theory states that it is morally right for one person to act according to a moral rule that is accepted by rational people because of the mutual benefits of adopting such a rule, given others follow the rules as well. To apply social contract theory, we identify the rational agents and their rights. The morality of the action of the law enforcement depends on whether the privacy rights of the people is violated. Most of us would agree having privacy is one way the society gives to rational adults on the account that they will be responsible for whatever they do. We dont give much privacy to babies or toddlers, because mostly they dont know what they are doing, and they need somebody to watch over them, also we generally dont hold them responsible for what they do. We as adults, take care of them, and are responsible for their behaviors. If were being watched over like babies, would that imply we dont know what were doing, and need some supervision all the time? If thats the case, how can the law enforcement know what they are doing, on what ground can they have the right and ability to watch our the rest of the world? Should they themselves be watched over at the same time? On the other hand, if were treated like babies, we shouldnt be responsible for what we do. Some might argue we dont have rights to privacy the same way as we have right to life and to our own property. But we mostly would agree, giving people some privacy have many benefits. Privacy gives people the opportunity to do what they please, to be themselves, to grow in their own unique way. Generally speaking, people expect privacy when they are in their private places, such as bedrooms; people expect certain things to be private such as how much money they have in the bank; or what they said to their girlfriend or boyfriend or such. Privacy is valued in our society, a rational people would agree, having some privacy is good to everybody because nobody wants to live under a camera and have other people watch how many times they went to bathrooms or even how many scars are over their bodies. In conclusion, according to social contract theory, it is wrong for law enforcement to use electronic surveillance because it violates the privacy of the general public. Consequences if electronic surveillance is not allowed Now, look at the other side of the issue. What would happen if electronic surveillance is not allowed at all? Of course we would have our privacy back, people will be living a happier life being able to do what they please without being watched. But what about law enforcement? Will we be able to capture any criminals? Were better off than our ancestors in many ways, such as, we have better clothes, better food, better education and so on. But the world is also getting more and more dangerous, all the newest technology, the advance in education also made it possible for some criminals to do huge damage to the society. If electronic surveillance arent allowed in court, will we be able to catch those people and put them in jail? The chances might be very low. If criminals figure out the law enforcement cant reach them, most likely theyll do a lot more damage, if people know they cant be caught for the bad things they do, most likely theyll keep doing it, and other people who use to be legitimate person might even find out stealing from other people is way easier than working hard to gain something, if lots of other people are doing it, why cant they? Computers are used by almost everybody here in US, people conduct crimes on co mputers, some might sell illegal things on the web, some might sent viruses to destroy other peoples computer, all sorts of bad things could happen, thus it is becoming increasing important that the law enforcement can stay on top of the technology and keep the criminal activities under control. If there are all legitimate people on the world, then we sure dont need any surveillance, we can have all our privacy. But thats not the case, then, some type of surveillance will be needed to watch over those who are trying to damage the society. Decision and Implementation From the point of view of Kant, act utilitarianism, rule utilitarianism, and social contract theory, we have all concluded it is wrong for the law enforcement to use electronic surveillance for law enforcement. But on the other hand, because of the advancing in technology and education, criminals these days are becoming very good at covering what they do, so surveillance is needed in lots of ways to protect the general public from the harm the criminals might cause, and it is important for law enforcement to have some electronic surveillance, so they can effectively catch those criminals and give the punish they deserve, thus people will be living in a much more safer environment. Now we realize we all want as much privacy as possible, but we also want to live in a safe place where criminals are punished for the bad things they do, thus electronic surveillance becomes something we dont like, but we got to have some. That happens a lot in life, suppose somebody might dont like vegetables at all, but because of the benefits vegetable brings, they have to eat some, since they all want to live a healthy and long life. But at the same time, they might be able to find all sorts of ways to make the vegetables tastier to their desire, so they will more likely want to eat it, even possibly enjoy eating it. Now how should we implement such theory on electronic surveillance? How can we use it in such a way that brings more beneficiary than damage? Congress has already passed many laws relating to protecting peoples privacy, such as the Video Privacy Protection Act, the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and so on, but the technology is advancing so rapidly, which makes it hard for the congress to react and come up with new law regarding new issues. So, first of all, we will need a group of elites who possess the newest technology in the legislative group, so they will be able to come up with supportive laws as fast as needed. This way the gap between new technology and the laws will be luckily filled up. On the other hand, its a good idea to use every possible way to actively promote virtues in people in the country, higher education is one way to pursue this, high education will bring people up to some level of understanding about how the society function as a whole, how is it important that everybody in the whole nation, whole world need to work together to make the universe a better place to live in. Other than that, good economy, good living condition, good relationship between family members and relatives and friends, all those together will give people a sense of belonging, make people happier and such that not as many people will be thinking about committing crimes, which then leads to less surveillance needed, so in return well all have more privacy. Also, another very important part is how can we make sure our law enforcement personals are well trained about how important it is to stick to their code of professional ethics, such that people can trust them not to misuse priva te information, and there should be strict laws to regulate when such things does happen. If legitimate person can trust law enforcement to only use their information for specific reasons, they would be more willing to provide such information and give away some of their privacy.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Reward of motivating good employees

Reward of motivating good employees Executive Summary The report highlight good reward Motivating employees at the workplace has become a challenge for employers today. Profit sharing, Scanlon plan, Annual Bonus, Gain sharing and Merit plane these are employee incentive plan. With this in view, recommendations are made towards developing and implementing reward polices for employees in the different departments of the firm or company, Performance of management is also discussed as a way to enhance productivity. Incentive is good as well wrong decision for employees. In this summary I have define that incentive is most important for employees but on merit base. If any staff member working honestly and just for that company than company have a right to pay him incentive in the shape of bonuses. The total report is on manager and personal ideas about employees motivation. Does it is favourable or against off workers. If against why or if is it favourable than give related example, below of this report I have explain about each plan as well example of motivation. The challenge for management is to perform action new policies by means of endorsement and requirement plan provided at the end of this report. Introduction In this summary I have explain about motivation how employer motivate to workers and get extra work. In short term motivation mean any type of financial reward pay to employees, staff or worker whose production go beyond limits some arrange in advance level of quality. In motivation many factors have been identifying to influence employee attempt at their place of work and group. As well there are best size in consider method and series of action of motivation in organisations. These are the following factors that I am watching to examine. I believe to learn what motivation is about in complete self interest needs one to be motivated inevitably. Motivation in organisations is crucial for employees or workers. Many factors have been identifying to affect employee effort at their place of the work and organisations also there has been a great size in recognized acting technique and processes of motivation in firm. This type of areas which I shall be looking to examine. I believe learni ng what motivation is about in its self interest one to be incentive inevitably motivation in firm is vital for employees. Number of plan has been recognised to effect workers efforts at their place of work and organisation. I could also easily say this is better identifying method and process of incentive in organization. There are following plans which I shall look to analysis. I believe to learn about motivation thus give incentive to employees is better option for organization. As well analyse about inevitably motivation in organization play a vital role for employee. Motivation Theory There are too many theories which have been create to struggle to explain the concept of motivation these theory help to understand employees response in certain situation at work one or other to improve their regular payment reduce their effort. These types of theory help to understand which way motivate to workers in difference organization as well how best way used the movement of incentive to different types of individual. These theories see into workers or peoples, wants, needs and desire and what amount of needs have to achieve the give task or goal. Example: According to the research of CIPD most of the firms which are underdeveloped to communicate with their staff have seen motivation decrease during the time of recession. Example: According to the ‘Farren he speak about 12 human needs which is as follow education, shelter, family, wealth, work, community, mobility, safety, socialising, spiritually thats all human need I believe that all human needs reach or faced by reward, we can get it easily if these factor put in at our place of work and company. Personal ideas on motivation My ideas about motivation is to increase the ability of individual, increase level of skill, as well better way of time knowledge that how to complete task work alongside incentive. I can also tell that personally the ultimate reward is special advantages of motivation in term of money; as well employee has the knowledge about particular task which he has done on time. Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) Employee stock ownership plans is totally companywide plans, in this plan company offer opinion share of its own stock. In this plan cash going to be used for bought such stock as a trust successful to buy shares of the firms stock for workers. In this situation company makes that contribution annually in part of whole to total workers compensation. ESOP plans are mostly used to provide market share of the set off owners successfully and very nearly held in t he companies, to motivate and reward of the workers. In short ESOP is not an employees purchase it is contribute of employees. Some of the companys makes formal preparation for the workers participation is is called employee stock ownership planed. In employees ownership employee can purchase any kind of stock directly, which is given it in bonus shape, or he can get a stock option as well be established through a profit sharing plan. Some of the employees they become an owner of the firm because of workers corporate in this situation everyone have an equal right. Example: The ESOP ASSOCIATION CANADA (Employee Share Ownership Plan) is a non-profit set up institution in November 1990 for the purpose of advance the concept of employee ownership for business in Canada. Employee ownership is an important advice for doing work for economic growth and reorganization business drawing new projects. ( ESOP Association Canada). Example: In 1974, almost 11000 companies have these types of plans with the help of this help they cover up to 13 million employees. According to my ideas these types of plans couldnt used in partnership an especially in most professional local governing authority. ESOP plans only used in S corporation. In this situation private companies they must be repurchase share of change workers. I am as well favourable of ESOP plans can increase their local authority performance if workers can participate in decision which is effecting on work. Profit Sharing Plan It is better way to give incentive company workers profit sharing is most beneficial for both company as well for employees. In this situation both company and staff play a role as win. Profit sharing such commonly used for share profit programme that used for the company productivity as well stock reward to workers. In profit sharing plan all or most workers receive share of the firms annual profit is most popular today. We could easily said in this plan profit are divided between company and workers. Each worker gets percentage of that profit which is based on company earning or company revenue. In profit sharing manager play a very vital role for employees. Because they paid money to employees just for check or related to the output. Management provide or motivate management benefit received attempt. In this situation incentive are paying to employees just related of output and to the scope to which he shares in the rise value of stock that he produces. Example: Ford motor company introduce a profit sharing plan for salaried workers. And General Motors increased its profit sharing payout when profit was improved or increase. Its mean each company pay profit sharing reward to his workers when they get extra profit. This incentive in the shape of company shares. (Dessler, 2005) According to my ideas these type of programme are planned to benefit of employees for the firm increasing its earning or income. In profit sharing or these type planned designed because of bonuses paying to employees, in this situation check before pay hence the performance of company is better in the given time period, month, annual and compared to the current or present year. Profit sharing programme immediate provides to workers and reward paying benefit as well. Example: According to the ‘Dar El profit sharing is an effective incentive, which have added benefit of being a need that is usually never meet condition. With some relating to the law reward system serves to give something support the motivational process which is employee working smarter. (Dar El, 1991) Example: One of the biggest basic structures of the appreciation is to treat workers as they are employers of the company. Thats act of future responsibility to the specific person.(Bob Nelson, 1997) Annual Bonus Plan Annual bonuses mean bonus which is paid end of the year. Such bonus are paid to worker behalf of his work performance or time which is up to one year. In this situation employees only allowed to take 9 days leave in each year. Many firms have annual bonus plans aim to motivating the very short term performance of managers and senior managers mean executive level. Example: According to the BBC news they advertise recently network rail chief executive is to give up his annual bonus for this year saying he does not want it to could discussion of the firms performance. (BBC, 14 May 2009) Example: Displeasure is supporting device over a new bonus scheme at Tesco that will reward chief executive Sir Terry Leahy with a  £11.5m windfall if the supermarket groups US venture Fresh Easy succeeds.(the independent business). Example: My ideas but other members of the Network Rail executive committee are still being considered for payments which could total hundreds of thousands of pounds. Example: The news that holiday bonuses are not so traditional anymore comes in a global survey by HR services firm ‘Hewitt Associates. Example: Up to 207,000 staff at Tesco is shovel share bonuses worth a total of  £98m after the retailers record annual results, it was exposing today. Tesco managers said all staff from checkout employees to store managers which have worked with the supermarket for at least a year by the end of February is valid for the free shares contributes 3.6 per cent of salary, up to a maximum of  £3,000. Gain sharing plan The best system of high level management in which organization search high level of performance through the concern and participation of his workers or employees. As improve in performance and in the profit employees share financially. Gain sharing plans is an motivation plan which engage all workers or staff in a very common struggle to get a organization productivity based on bias. ( Garry Dessler, 2005) In this reward we could said company achieve maintenance in addition key measure performance. That type of reward are payee for increase in performance improvement. Gain sharing reward is increase the feelings of employers as well accountability. Gain sharing motivation feeling of superiority, as well most positive attitude or work towards company. Example: According to my idea gain sharing reward are paid to the performance of team performance not for the performance of individuals. Raise the level of company problems from everyone has a more financial stake for the company success. In gain sharing management require a participative management style which is most stress for each organization. Pay for performance Pay for performance is the best sources of help to date on the issues of whether these concepts work how they can be practical most effectively in the workplace. This important volume looks at pay practice. Performance pay refers to the process of analyse workers amend this is based on bonuses and wages, salary in this situation manager can determine that how much better number of employees performance on work. In simply performance pay make sense to incentive more production of employees for their rise in contribution to the company. EXAMPLE: The best example of performance pay is NHS, AGENDA for CHANGE has successful make something easier pay system of parts for the NHS with the intention of enabling greater able to adapt to new situation and addressing incessant equal pay to failure match. (NHS Executive, 1999) EXAMPLE: According to the civil services, existing performance related (PRP) secret plot have been reviewed and performance as well Makinson report (2000) has suggest a shift to team bonuses which will also be part of chain into target ability. Example: In Education health teacher were integrate on to new scale form performance small in quantity in (1999) and pay review body endorsement that classroom teacher should be included in this scheme (93 percent) were successful in achieving awards. Which in perfect form were pay award linked to performance and talent. Example: According to the Cabinet continuities from the previous period of market based reform are notable with responsibility to long pay with performance maintain and indeed, intensified. (Cabinet Office, 1999) Example: At the very first comprehensive spending review progressed through 1999, the chancellor announced higher than expected general settlement for health and for education, but press sure on pay was maintain now money was tied definite to funding capital projects, such as improve in information technology. Such as hospital waiting lists. Example: Market manipulation by the Prime Minister made it clear that Government did not expect to see pay levels increasing at the same rate as general money spent unless they were linked to result. (Peston and Timmins 1999). FINANCIAL REWARD The organization needs to be recognized requirement and maintain paying policies, method and practices that are reliable with and support effective risk management. There have to be link between response and reward and the incentive system needs to reflect this. I could easily explain financial reward with the help of my ideas this against or favourable of employee as well for organization. There are number of incentive system that a firm could use to motivate its employee. Wages and salary Portion or services rate Benefit of faction Merit pay Share owner WAGES AND SALRY Wages and salary is simply paying for staff performance. Mean work of employee and given reward such as a wages and salary. We could easily said simply used for business. Staff may modern existence paid the same as a fellow workers who they seem to yourself is not so productive. PORTION OR SERVICE PAY Portion or services pay such pay paying to worker on each item which they produce in set period of time. That type of payment paying to staff for the behalf of work which they did in couple of time. We could easily said with the help of services pay increase speed of work so thats why increase in productivity. Example: According to my ideas or opinion if services paying to worker they do not cluster together on quality of work as important on speed of work. As well for portion pay worker or staff they ignore the rule of company such as, health and safety. Because they trying to increase output just for portion payment. BENEFIT OF FACTION These type of financial reward mostly paid to workers such as extra their normal wages or salary. Benefit of faction paying to staff for extra ordinary work. These type of reward mostly pay to all level of managers. Such as car, free food, house, private health insurance, medical treatments etc. Example: According to my ideas these type of benefits going against and favour of company. Such help to worker and provide human and social needs. Encourage employee because he can stay or work more and better for company. And i am against because of common use to a majority of employees will increase cost able to cut or pointed. SHARE OWNERSHIP PLAN This is also financial reward for employee these type of incentive paying to senior or middle level managers who are given able to give share in company, on contrary than accurate membership of a profit sharing scheme. Example: According to my point of view if share are paying to worker they will work harder as they have share in company if company is running on profit this is also beneficial for workers. In this case worker they dont like to leave the company. As well I am against of share ownership because of this other staff in panic mean these type of benefit just paying to senior Non Financial Reward Non financial reward mean range in which money is motivator to increase performance corpse piece of an unresolved argument. Information technology held that all staff likely to over reported significance of pay in any employee critical inspection. Non financial reward inspection sign display the failure to match between people point of view what they have to be said and did with respect to pay and concluded that although pay is not same important in all individuals, we could easily said such an important general motivator that many mangers make too below estimate its importance. (Tim claydon, 2007) There are following non financial reward which is below of this line. Four weeks or monthly annual leaves Flexible benefits cash sum Flexible working as meets the needs of the business. Share save schemes Contributory pension scheme Discounted/preferential rates on a whole range of products from loans to mortgages Abraham Maslow Non Cash Incentive RECOMENDATION AND IDEAS In each point of my topic I have already give my ideas. In both condition I have represent why incentive is important and why not for organization. I have some more words to say that all combination of my whole topic which I am going to give my ideas this incentive is necessary for employee if yes so I have to explain about this. According to my point of view employee must believe producing performance I could easily said this is certain specified behaviour which have to lead known reward. The employees of the organization they must have believed that reward offered are interesting. Some employees they want edging benefit, such as pension, house rent allowances as well medical allowances because they are old workers and they want retirement security. But some employees they desire promotions because they are looking for power. Employees they must trust a set of level in individual efforts which will lead to achieve the local governing authority standard of performance. CONCLUSION The total rewards strategy for the organization will speak distinctly the overall plan for the rewards that will be offered to the employees in swap for excellent work and responsibility from them. That type of strategy is full set of rewards, both financial and non-financial, and will also develop plan which focus on performance of management. This doesnt mean that incentive at work places does not better actually according to my personal experience I proffered that it is crucial to get the best out of employees. Managers just have to find the best suitable processes to apply to the exceptional organization. REFERNCE AND BIBLOGRAPHY Julie Beardwell Tim Claydon (2007). Human Resource Management. 5th ed. london: FT Prentice Hall. 499. Dar-El, E. (1991, November 22). The productivity option. Nelson, B. (1997). 1001 ways to reward employees. Gary dessler (2005). Human resources managment. 10th ed. London: Pearson. 453. Dressler (2005). Human resources management. 10th edition. London: Pearson. Page no 455. Newspaper sources Internet sources

Monday, August 19, 2019

Universality and the Particular Essay -- Poetry Literature Authors Wri

Universality and the Particular â€Å"History,† Gilman writes, â€Å"is, or should be, the story of our racial life† (Gilman 216). Eliot is a bit less succinct, but perhaps he could be most pithily summed up as saying: â€Å"The business of the poet is not to find new emotions, but to use the ordinary ones and, in working them up into poetry, to express feelings which are not in actual emotions at all† (Eliot 1919, 23). It is not immediately evident what either author means by these statements, however, they both contain the core of the argument. Both authors have their individual aims and intents with their writings, however, in spite of the differences, their arguments find more common ground than disagreement. Their terminology is certainly different, but they see the purpose and aims of literature as by and large the same. Literature, according to Gilman, originated as the â€Å"legitimate child of oral tradition, a product of natural brain activity† (218). Implicit in this, and made explicit elsewhere, is that literature is inherently a form of communication. And, â€Å"since our very life depends on some communication,† Gilman indicates very strongly that literature, both in its ancestry and in its current incarnation, provides an extremely important role in our existence† (218). She elaborates on this notion of communication, however, and specifies that a â€Å"passionate interest in other people’s lives†¦is the most vital art† (218). To her, the expression of the â€Å"great field of human life† is the task of all literature and is crucial to the very existence of society (218). We can presume that there is some bias in her argument, as people tend to think highly of their chosen craft. The essential element, however, is Gilman’s focus on t h... ...e essentially expansionist, forcing the borders outwards to include women in literature. Eliot, on the other hand, seems to be moving inward and examining and rejecting a certain type of reader, a certain type of poet. However, both, ultimately see literature as capturing the entirety of the human existence. The mechanism for doing so in their arguments differ greatly, but the intent and the final goals are the same. Where one speaks of the human soul, the other speaks of impersonality and mean the same thing. Works Cited Eliot, T.S. â€Å"The Impersonality of Poetry.† Issues in Contemporary Critical Theory: A Casebook. Ed. Peter Barry. London: Macmillan, 1987. 23. Eliot, T.S. â€Å"Hamlet and His Problems.† Hamlet. Ed. Cyrus Hoy. New York: W.W. Norton, 1963. 180-184. Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. The Yellow Wallpaper and Other Writings. New York: Bantam, 1989.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

College Should Not be a Playground :: College Admissions Essays

College Should Not be a Playground University students today have it pretty good. At decent-sized schools, students have access to any number of low-cost services that civilians would donate organs for. We get gyms and fitness centers for free or close to it. We have computer labs, lounges and more clubs and societies arriving every semester. With little or no fees, on-campus coffee bars and pick-up basketball games make traveling into the real world increasingly ludicrous. Sure, we pay more in tuition rates to help off set the cost, but college students these days shouldn't sweat the bill's bundled-in activity fees - it's simply worth it to fork over a little extra cash for the added convenience. Besides, with college rates continually on the rise, these resource charges amount to a drop in a very large bucket. On the other hand, shouldn't a University provide for its students without bleeding them dry? After all, without the learners, the educators and administrators would be jobless. So why should students pay for access to increasingly basic and common services? Students have come to expect these tasty perks, as if our Universities owe us for passing through their hallowed halls. But have we come to expect too much? Do we truly deserve extravagant bonuses? My own school has for years given students free, unlimited, high-speed access to the Internet. All rooms in all dorms have long had an Ethernet port, intended to help us with our studies. Any student can plug in, call up the library's extensive database subscriptions, and hunt for journals, articles and other information on a boundless range of topics. Of course, with such power comes responsibility, for students can also visit the seedier and less, shall we say, academic nooks of the World Wide Web. In light of this, UMD began cracking down on Internet access and Networking capabilities on campus last year. First, the students' file-sharing capabilities were restricted. Many students grumbled, but the administration remained firm. Most recently, filters blocked the transfer of certain controversial file types. Student outcry led to a scaled-back version of the sentinel software, but the students haven't finished crusading. The school, they say, has infringed on our rights by installing restrictive programs between the Internet and us. University literature promises "free, unlimited" Internet access, and

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Philadelphia- Analysis of Conflict and Unity Essay

The movie Philadelphia is mainly focused on one man, Andrew Beckett, against the discrimination he faces by the giant law firm he worked for. Andrew is aided in his battle by another man, Joe Miller. The director Jonathan Demm characterises both men to establish conflict and then unity. This is established through the use of various camera techniques, through the use of dialogue and also through the storyline by exemplifying their similarities and differences. Following the opening credit sequence of the city, we are immediately introduced to both the main characters, Andrew Beckett and Joe Miller. Both are introduced as lawyers and it is also evident that they are arguing against each other. This establishes a sense of difference and opposition. This impression is enhanced by the racial difference between the two, Joe being black and Andrew being white. At first both are shown in close ups, shown separately, however the camera shifts to a two shot which is used to show them in the same frame, sitting together. This is significant as it foreshadows their original conflict and eventual unity. After this confrontation both Andrew and Joe are shown in the elevator, behaving similarly, talking on their phones. Demm characterises both men so that even though a sense of conflict and opposition is established in the film, this scene demonstrates their similarities. This is used to establish a slight sense of unity; however it is mainly used to fo reshadow their eventual unanimity. Throughout the movie their similarities as well as differences have been accentuated to establish a sense of conflict and unity. Another example of their differences is towards the end of the film, when Andrew and Joe both attend a fancy dress party with their partners. This is the only time both couples are shown together and is especially significant when they are dancing. Andrew and his partner Miguel, are shown dancing together very closely, however the camera then shifts to Joe and his wife. This highlights their difference in sexual orientation and again establishes an ongoing sense of conflict, even though they have become quite close at this point. Another important scene which displays their similarities is in the library. Both men are there and the scene is used to parallel them, as a library is  connotation for learning. This similarity is used to establish unity and is further supported when Joe sit with Andrew to look over his notes. At first Joe leaves and then we physically see him torn between his personal opinion and justice. This again represents their conflict which is substantiated when Joe sits with Andrew; however he seems to be quite tense. The camera constantly shifts between close ups of both characters and then both are shown together in an aerial shot. Andrew is seen passing a law book to Joe who accepts it. The book represents the law and justice and that is what acts in unifying both characters, as Joe is seen as accepting the case. At the commencement of the case, and throughout the whole case, the camera plays an important role in showing the unity between Andrew and Joe. The camera constantly reverts to a two shot of Andrew and Joe which signifies their unity, and shows that they have overcome most of their original conflict however some of it still remains. While the case is going on, there is scene in a drug store, in which Andrew is approached by a homosexual footballer who asks Joe out. Joe is furious that he has been classed in the same bracket as Andrew, being gay. This shows that there is still a sense of ongoing conflict between Andrew and Joe, as Joe still seems uncomfortable on issues concerning homosexuality. Throughout the movie the dialogue plays an important role in showing the conflict and unity between Andrew and Joe. This is especially evident through the use of numerous quotes from Joe, regarding homosexuality and Andrew. When Andrew originally approaches Joe to represent him in court and Joe refuses it is because that Andrew is gay and has AIDS. Andrew asks Joe if he doesn’t accept the case for personal issues and Joe admits â€Å"Yes, that’s right†. This obviously shows that Joe is uncomfortable with Andrew and establishes a sense of conflict. This is again evident when he visits the doctor, worried that he might obtain AIDS. Joe then says to the doctor â€Å"I don’t like them; I don’t want this person to touch me†. Joe states his obvious discomfort against gays later in the film when he is in the pub. â€Å"These people make me sick but a law has been broken† is what Joe says when people are insulting him in the pub. All these various quotes show that there is obvious conflict between Andrew and Joe however the law is what  unifies them. In conclusion Demm uses many methods so that Andrew Beckett and Joe Miller are both characterised in the movie, to establish conflict and then unity. This is achieved through the use of various camera techniques and the use of various dialogues. It is also achieved through the actual storyline and the manner in which Andrew and Joe are juxtaposed to create a sense of conflict however their similarities are also highlighted to show their eventual unity.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Iconographic Representation Of Jesus Christ Essay

Jesus Christ, by Christian tradition is known as the lamb of God or the sacrificial lamb, so he is symbolized by a very young lamb seated on a nest of thorns. Other than this Christ is also known as ‘the fisher of men’ which relates to the biblical story of how He was able to gather people into His flock so that they would submit to His teachings; so the ancient symbol for Christ is a simple illustration of the fish as shown in the collage. Other than this, this representation also has something to do with Christ’s words to Peter, when He said, â€Å"Come with me and I will make you fishers of men. This is also the reason why the Pope wears a ring known as ‘the fisherman’s ring† so symbolize his being the Vicar of Christ on earth. Another symbol which represent’s Christ is bread, because he also said during his lifetime, â€Å"I am the Bread of Life, whosoever partakes in my banquet shall have eternal life. †; Christ is also represented by fire, light or a flame because of his pronouncement that He â€Å"is the Way, the Truth, and the Light. †   Another symbol used in the collage is the chi-rho symbol which was an ancient way of writing the name Jesus Christ.

Would the World be a Better Place if Large-Scale Emigration to Other Planets were to be Possible?

Our world is in a predicament. The delicate balance that supports life that evolution (or God) has created is being tilted by deforestation, overfishing, increasing population, global warming and such, threatening the fundamentals for life. Planet Earth appears to be spiraling downwards towards an inescapable end. About half of the mature tropical forests, between 750 to 800 million hectares of the original 1. 5 to 1. 6 billion hectares that once covered the planet have been felled, and animals are becoming extinct more quickly than ever (experts have estimated that up to half of presently existing species may become extinct by 2100). Our main energy sources, oil and natural gas supplies, are rapidly running dry. The future of the earth, hilas, looks dark. Taking all of this into consideration, it appears that mass emigration to another planet might be the only solution. However, is it really too late to turn the clock? Or maybe more importantly, is it morally right to abandon ship when the storm is gathering? The damage we have caused to our world is both unbelievable and undeniable. Only 17% of planet Earth's landmass is still untouched by mankind (excluding Antarctica). Our world's natural oil and gas resources are soon fully consumed; renewable sources only stand for about 13% of the energy created. All the emissions from burning fossil fuels are carelessly released into the atmosphere, and as a result, the ozone layer is in an incredibly tattered shape. However, if we could move to another planet, thus leaving this one, the Earth would recuperate. The largest hole in the ozone, the one above the Antarctic, would, according to NASA scientists, recover by 2068. Similarly, if there were no humans to fish the oceans dry, and no humans to chop the forests down, slowly but steadily, the world's ecosystems would recover and the biodiversity would regain lost grounds. The human race has created this situation, and we owe it to the Earth and the other species that we reverse it. There are a number of valid arguments for saving our world by emigrating to another, and although leaving for another planet may save this one, abandoning Earth may not yet be necessary. All hope is not lost – it is still within our power to undo the damages ourselves. It will be a task of great difficulty, but one that we can pull off. Since when were problems solved by burying one's head in the sand? Besides, if you do bury your head in the sand, chances are, you won't like what you see when you stick it back up. Taking the emergency exit whenever there are bumps on the road will create a â€Å"laissez faire† mentality, which never has solved anything. If awareness of this crisis can be raised all around the world, and if people realize just how important the matter we are dealing with is, there is a significant chance that we can start acting in a sufficiently environmentally friendly manner for the previous natural balance to be restored, without us leaving Earth for a far-off planet. By abandoning the planet we do not solve the true problem, we simply run away from it. If we were all deported to another planet, but didn't change our behavior, all we would do is repeat the same mistakes we made on Earth. What does shifting planets mean if we still don't own up and take action to reverse the situation we have thrust ourselves into? If we recognize now that problems such as global warming, overfishing and deforestation are not resolved by turning our backs to them, it will also be understood that these will not vanish because we choose to flee from them. We must do something about the tribulations we have now, only then we can move on. Exporting our problems to another planet is not solving them. Furthermore, there is also is a moral aspect to this issue. It would be indecent and ethically incorrect to simply change planets and abandon earth when we are encountering real and serious problems which in addition are caused by ourselves This world is optimal for our form of life. If just the weight of the proton in the air molecule was the slightest bit different all life on earth would be impossible. Similarly, if aliens would visit Earth, they would die of inhaling oxygen. It is an incredible chain of circumstances that allow us to live by breathing oxygen. The human race has become adapted to live on planet Earth over millions and millions of years of evolution. Just like a hole is perfect for the water puddle it contains, Earth is perfect for man. This taken into consideration, we can't just destroy this Earth, and then leave it without the slightest effort to do something about it. We were made for this planet, and now that it is being destroyed, the very least we can do is to try to reverse what we've done. In any case, fleeing should be the very last option. All of us who inhabit Earth have inherited it from earlier generations. We are merely the present caretakers of this Earth, just like thousands of generations before us have been. Therefore, we have a moral responsibility, both towards our children as well as to our ancestors, to protect and preserve something extraordinary that no one ever can own, only borrow. On the one hand, it is a fact that we are well on the way of destroying Earth, and if all human beings were to leave the Earth, there is a chance that the Earth might recover. However, this is only true if all humans are transported to another planet. The question was â€Å"would the world be a better place if large-scale emigration to other planets were to be possible? † Upon a closer look, mass emigration does not necessarily mean that all humans are transported, rather just some. This is certainly of importance, as it is not necessarily the number of people on Earth that decides if the world is going to recuperate or not. What is more important is how the people who actually do live here treat the environment, i e how much carbon emissions are released into the atmosphere, how much fish we fish from our seas and how many trees we cut from our forests. If 50% of the world's population was evacuated to another planet, but the remaining 50% treated the environment worse than before, the problems would not be solved. Rather than focusing on efficient ways to deport masses of people to other planets, we should focus on efficient ways to save this planet, with us on it. On the other hand, it is probably true that the abandoning of the planet will have to occur sooner or later. 99. 9% of all species ever to reside on planet Earth are now extinct. Mankind will certainly not be an exception. Even if we don't drive ourselves into extinction, or a comet crashing into Earth doesn't do it for us, in about one billion years the sun will start dying. It will slowly begin to swell up, and produce more heat, making life on this entire solar system impossible. If the ultimate aim of mankind is survival, emigration to another planet might then be the only option. However, this is not the case today. We still have an option; so let us take advantage of it.